Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Last Friday, September 25th, we got a call from our agency saying we received a very fast Travel Approval from China.  God's hand in this timing is so clear.

Now the final steps to bringing Eden and Adanya home will be incredibly fast.  We have waited months on paperwork and approvals.  It is now days before we travel. We could be leaving as early as October 14th but will not know for another day or 2.  Having the ability to fly standby, makes these last minute arrangements not as costly.

 Our US Consulate appointment in China is October 28th, which puts us back here around the 29th or 30th.

My wonderful sister-n-law Carol will be coming to stay with our kids while we are away.  She is a brave woman :)  Many wonderful friends have stepped up to help with ANYTHING and we are so grateful for you all.

Your continued prayers for our family are so appreciated!

In His Hands!


  1. Looking forward to sharing this time with my loving nieces and nephews. I sure can't do all Monica does, but know its going to be a blast. Can't Wait! Aunt Bunny (Carol)
